Monday, September 05, 2005


Now it's my turn to say "whoops..."!
Lately there have been knitters in webstrikgruppen who have written about washing their woolsweaters a bit too well, thus ending up with sweaters in childrens sizes. I thought "phew, I'm glad it's not me! luckily there is such a long way to carry the laundry, that I don't make that mistake... I always check it before I run down the stairs".
But... today I must have suffered from momentary braindamage ;) So my wickel-pulli ended up in the maschine, and came out somewhat smaller... but I guess I'm lucky - I haven't used it all summer, because it "wasn't quite right" and a bit on the bigger side of what I'd like. So I tried it on, and it fits!! It is just the perfect size now!! Maybe I'll get to use it now :D It has felted a bit (the left sleeve was more like one piece of knitted fabric...) but I saved it, and it actually just looks nicer than it did before?!

"whoops!" and then "wow - nice!!" *hehe*

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

*G* ja det har du ret i, Hanne!