Thursday, February 22, 2007


Finally the snow came... and not just a little bit this time, no, we got a lot. This is close to where I live, and it is usually a road... now the cars can hardly drive through without sliding off the road!

My study group was cancelled, since the other in the group is stuck in a huge snowdrift! I had to go shopping though, and took a few pics on the way. Some people get cranky about snow, since it is troublesome, but I just get so happy when we get snow! When others take snowy days as a good excuse to sit indoors and not go out again 'till spring comes, I jump into my huge boots, hats, socks (yup in plural - wearing 3 pairs right now...), mittens and run out with all the children! Not playing like them (I don't have my sledge here *sniff*) , but just enjoying the weather :) And THEN I have a good excuse to go inside when I am so cold I can't feel myself and don't know if I lost a leg or something on the way, and make a huge cup of tea and eat some homebaked bread (I made some nice bread yesterday - forgot the salt in the dough, so I sprinkled flaky salt and rosemary on two of the breads, and salt and nigella seeds on the two others. They ended up really nice!

Århus fik sne... meget sne! Læsegruppen er aflyst, for ham jeg er i gruppe med sidder fast i en snedrive... Jeg var en tur i netto og benyttede lejligheden til at tage lidt billeder. På billedet ovenfor plejer der at være en vej, nu har bilerne problemer med overhovedet at køre der, uden at skride ud. Nogle bliver mugne når der kommer så meget sne, fordi det er for besværligt - jeg bliver bare totalt overstadig og hopper ud i sneen ligesom alle børnene *grin* Har desværre ikke min kælk her *snøft* Men man kan jo altid nyde det dejlige vejr, og så smutte ind og drikke et kæmpe krus varm the, når man er blevet så kold, at man ikke helt kan føle sig selv længere ;) Det hjemmebagte brød fra i går blev ganske vellykket selvom jeg glemte at komme salt i... så det fik olivelolie, flagesalt og rosmarin og nigellafrø på toppen i stedet. To af hver slags blev det til :)

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