Monday, January 03, 2005

God idé

Marjut foreslog, at man gav penge til hjælp til dem i Asien i stedet for at købe garn til et nyt strikkeprojekt... det synes jeg er en rigtig god idé, så gå f.eks. her til Røde Kors og gi' hvad du kan undvære... nok har vi det koldt her om vinteren, men pengene er vist bedre givet ud til nødhjælp end til garn til endnu et par sokker ;)

Marjut suggested, that instead of buying more yarn, one should give the money to help in Asia... I think it's a really good idea, so find Red Cross or who else you would like to donate money to, and give them what you can spare, instead of buying more yarn for socks - even though it's cold here in the North during the winter, I think the money are more needed in Asia ;)

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